Eθελοντική Ιατρική Μονάδα «Διγενής Ακρίτας» στις 28-29 Απριλίου 2023, με γιατρούς, 14 ειδικοτήτων και νοσηλευτές.

27 Απριλίου, 2023

English – Albanian below
Ο Πολιτιστικός Σύλλογος “Αντίπαρος Εν Πλω” διοργανώνει για πέμπτη χρονιά εθελοντική ιατρική επίσκεψη για προληπτική εξέταση του πληθυσμού της Αντιπάρου.
Θα επισκεφθεί το νησί μας η εθελοντική Ιατρική Μονάδα «Διγενής Ακρίτας» στις 28-29 Απριλίου 2023, με γιατρούς, 14 ειδικοτήτων και νοσηλευτές.
Στη προσπάθειά μας αυτή ευελπιστούμε να σας βρούμε αρωγούς. Δεδομένου ότι οι γιατροί θα χρειαστούν έτοιμες οργανωμένες αίθουσες, θα εκτιμούσαμε ιδιαίτερα αν μπορούσατε να συνεισφέρετε στη πρόσκληση αυτή, προσφέροντας το χρόνο σας ως εθελοντές, την Πέμπτη 27/04/23 το απόγευμα και την Κυριακή 30/04/23 πρωί ώστε να οργανώσουμε τις αίθουσες όπου θα στηθούν τα ιατρεία.
Μπορείτε να δηλώσετε συμμετοχή στo τηλέφωνο 6943255990 ή στο mail του συλλόγου [email protected]
Σκοπός των προσπαθειών του συλλόγου μας είναι η εύκολη πρόσβαση από όλους τους πολίτες σε διάφορες ειδικότητες γιατρών.
Θα είμαστε στη διάθεσή σας για κάθε διευκρίνηση.

For a fifth year, the Antiparos En Plo Cultural Society is organizing a volunteer medical visit by healthcare professionals aimed at the preventative medical examination of the local population.
The “Digenis Akritas” volunteer medical unit will be visiting our island on 28-29 April 2023, with physicians and nurses covering 14 specialties.
We hope that you will be able help us in this endeavour. Given that the visiting medical team will be needing ready spaces to work in, we would be especially grateful if you could contribute to our call for help by offering your time as a volunteer on the evening of Thursday, 27 April and the morning of Sunday, 30 April, so that we can set up the clinics where the examinations will be taking place.
To register as a volunteer, please call our Society 6943255990 or send an email to [email protected].
Through this initiative, our Society aims to help provide all residents with easy access to a variety of medical specialties.
We would be more than happy to answer any questions that you might have concerning the event.

Shoqata Kulturore “Antiparos En Plo” organizon për të pestin vit vizita mjekësore ekzaminuese vullnetare të popullsisë në Antiparos.
Njësia Mjekësore Vullnetare “Digenis Akritas” do të vizitojë ishullin tonë në datat 28-29 Prill 2023, me mjekë, 14 specialitete dhe infermierë.
Në përpjekjen tonë shpresojmë të ndihemi të dobishëm. Meqenëse mjekët do të kenë nevojë për dhoma të organizuara të gatshme, do ta vlerësonim shumë nëse mund të kontribuoni në këtë thirrje duke vullnetarizuar kohën tuaj të enjten më 27/04/23 pasdite dhe të dielën 30/04/23 në mëngjes për të organizuar dhomat ku do të ngrihen klinikat.
Mund të regjistroheni duke telefonuar në numrin 6943255990 ose duke dërguar email në shoqatën [email protected]
Qëllimi i përpjekjeve të shoqatës tonë është aksesi i lehtë i të gjithë qytetarëve në specialitete të ndryshme mjekësore.
Ne do të jemi në dispozicionin tuaj për çdo sqarim